With that being said these last couple of weeks have over all been really great! Though most the time I was feeling really over whelmed, I still had this great opportunity to dig deep and learn a lot about myself. For my Family History final we were assigned to write a complete personal history and when I say complete I mean " what did you do for your best friends birthday party in the first grade" specifics. Luckily the project is split up into sections, each due at a different time so that we don't go completely insane.
The timeline section was due last week. It was one of the best soul searching experiences I've ever completed. There was so much that I had forgotten that had a huge part of shaping the way I think, the way I act, everything that makes me, me. I seriously suggest that you guys take a minute and try looking back on at least one year in your life. Write down some of the important events that you can remember. The big events are easy to remember and shouldn't take that much effort. Then dig a little deeper, try to think of some of the little things that happened that year. The little events are the easiest to forget but can be so exciting to look back on when we older and can't remember that far back. Personally, with the baby/toddler years, I called my family and asked them what they remembered. SO for all of you that are interested in see the final product (Mom, Dad) here it tis.
Tay timeline project 1
View more presentations from tbrady8
Get ready for some really funny awkward years!!